For press inquiries, email contact@cancerkidsfirst.org
Meet 3 Americans Honored by Prince William for Work in Princess Diana's Name
They are the change makers who have set up nonprofits and are being honored in the name of the late Princess Diana.
Harvard freshman continues to grow worldwide charity for kids with cancer she founded at 14
CAMBRIDGE - A freshman at Harvard is working to grow the cancer charity she founded when she was just 14 years old.
When Olivia Zhang lost two of the people she loved most to cancer, she was in what she describes as "a spiral."

Introducing Girls' Life's 30 Under 30 lineup
With the help of Rebel Girls (aka the team behind some of our fave girlpower stories), we're spotlighting the next generation of gals who will headline our playlists, rule our FYPs, grace our vision boards and, most assuredly, change our world. Prepare to meet the girls who're accomplishing big things before age 30—and borrow some of their secrets to success.
Reminder: You're never too young to chase your dreams. And if you don't believe us, take it from these teen trailblazers.

Young Social Impact Heroes: Why and How Olivia Zhang of Cancer Kids First Is Helping To Change Our World
As a part of my series about young people who are making an important social impact, I had the pleasure of interviewing Olivia Zhang [...]
Meet 3 Americans Honored by Prince William for Work in Princess Diana's Name
They are the change makers who have set up nonprofits and are being honored in the name of the late Princess Diana.
"Surround yourself with strong colleagues." with Olivia Zhang
Surround yourself with strong colleagues. Having members on your team that are hardworking and dedicated to achieving the goal you want for your organization/company is so important. Without a good team behind you, you won’t be able to succeed. There have been many instances when I chose friends to hold leadership positions in CKF simply […]
Help Deliver Some Joy to Young Cancer Patients
We recently received a lovely email asking if our crafting community would like to make some handmade cards for Cancer Kids First. Getting a card for Christmas, especially during a challenging time, can mean so much. So we took a look at our Christmas cards and made two of our designs free. This way anyone who wants to participate can! [...]
8 At-Home Volunteer Opportunities to Check Off Your Required Hours
After Olivia Zhang’s grandfather and elementary school teacher passed away due to cancer, the then 14-year-old created Cancer Kids First to help kids battle the disease...Along with fundraising, you can volunteer by creating informative content, organizing events, and designing coloring pages. Cancer Kids First has three volunteering teams, and you can join as many of them as you want. If you’re really passionate about the cause, you can also create a Cancer Kids First chapter in your community [...]
High School Student Brings Love and Hope to Kids with Cancer
“I was lucky to have these cool people from all around the world [wanting] to apply to join our team and eventually contribute their knowledge, skillsets, and share their stories to help us grow,” Zhang said.
She saw the opportunity to make a local impact on a global scale and continually help as many patients as possible, so they organized a way for people to establish CKF chapters in their community.
How Businesses Are Recovering And Prospering After COVID-19
Make time for TikTok:
"We posted our first TikTok on Jan. 25 (2020), gaining a little over 20k views. Our volunteer base grew from 100 to 500 steadily. Our second post on Jan. 26 reached over 1 million views; we were viral! [...]
I’m a CEO — This is the No. 1 Challenge I Had to Overcome to Get There
When she was 14 years old, Olivia Zhang started an organization called Cancer Kids First. CKF’s mission is to help pediatric cancer patients experience a better childhood.
Many people were initially critical of Zhang’s business. They would even belittle her decision, making her feel discouraged. She even lost passion for the foundation she dreamt of starting.
101 Female Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2021
Olivia Zhang is a 15 year old sophomore at Mclean High School. Olivia founded Cancer Kids First (CKF), a youth-led nonprofit dedicated to providing kids with cancer with the chance at a normal childhood, last year at the age of 14.
Service Spotlight: Cancer Kids First
Once again, social media has connected me to another amazing organization to highlight in our ongoing #ServiceSpotlight series. Meet Olivia Zhang, President and Founder of Cancer Kids First, an Virginia-based organization working to support pediatric cancer patients. Check it out!
Cancer Kids First - Provides Toys & Books To Kids With Cancer
Cancer Kids First (CKF) is a youth-led, 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation dedicated to giving children with cancer a normal childhood through toy and book contributions, cards to cheer up patients, and care packages for those who are not currently undergoing treatment at a hospital.
Olivia Zhang Executive Director & Founder Cancer Kids First
Take the initiative to channel your passion into creating your dream business/nonprofit! You truly learn a lot from the experience and meet incredible people along the way. For youth especially, don’t let your fear over your age stop you from becoming a CEO. Overcoming obstacles is part of the process so never let any challenge hinder you from achieving your dream.
7 tips for running social media at a nonprofit
Have your organization’s social media platforms gone radio silent since the intern left? Welcome to the world of social media strategy for nonprofits where the struggle to post consistently is real. Nonprofits rely on an army of volunteers and don’t always have the financial bandwidth to staff an office. This bootstrapped approach means social media marketing for nonprofits can become an afterthought.
TikTok on the Rise: How One Social Media App Can Impact You as a CEO
Op-Ed written by Olivia Zhang: As the CEO and founder of the nonprofit organization, Cancer Kids First (CKF), I have a lot of experience in the entrepreneurship world—specifically, as a teen entrepreneur. I first dove into the business world at the age of 14.
Real Life Examples of Resilience
In life, we will face obstacles that might challenge our mindset and perseverance. Some of these challenges bring us up or down. That’s why resilience is a crucial ingredient to success in life; it enables us to push forward in our goals no matter how hard things might get.
Here are real life examples of resilience from professionals that we can all learn from:

Student Organization Helps Cancer Patients
Dear Cancer,
Did you know that you scar the lives of about 43 children every day? Did you know that out of every 8 children diagnosed, one dies? Sophomore Olivia Zhang knew. Which is why she founded the organization Cancer Kids First (CFK), aimed to uplift those children you’ve targeted [...]
Tips to Achieving Work Life Balance
As a business owner, you probably know far too well what it’s like trying to balance your work life and home life. There’s likely been nights you’ve sat up late trying to finish your bookkeeping before the BAS deadline, or working on a new marketing campaign. Being in business is hard – you often don’t get to switch off at the end of the day.
But more business owners are making a push to gain a better work life balance, for both their own health and wellbeing, as well as that of their families.
How to Earn Service Hours in School with Cancer Kids First
Want to earn service hours in middle school and high school? Check out Cancer Kids First to see how you can support the cause!
There are plenty of opportunities for middle and high schoolers to earn service hours while helping pediatric cancer patients!
Take a look […]

In the news
Fenton High Juniors Seize the Opportunity to Help our Area
Cancer Kids First is a global organization aiming to give more of a childhood to younger cancer patients around the world. Juniors Kaitlyn Premo and Madison Starr have brought one of those chapters to Fenton.
New Group Aims to Help Pediatric Cancer Patients
The Indiana PA chapter of the Cancer Kids First organization is looking for local pediatric cancer patients and families in need of support.
As a nonprofit organization formed in May, the group strives to positively impact patients and their families battling pediatric cancer so they can have a chance at a more normal childhood.
’Tis the season to give back
At just 15 years old, Joshua Grynbaum decided that he wanted to give back. Inspired by his family, Grynbaum decided to lead his own initiative, establishing a local South Florida division of a teen-led nonprofit, Cancer Kids First.